
For Corporates

Introduction to Diverse Coaching Expertise

Overview of the collective coaching philosophy and approach. Emphasis on a diverse team of ICF & and EMCC-certified coaches with varied specializations.


To fulfil your present and future leadership requirements, you must be able to draw in, recognize, nurture, and keep important personnel. The Corporate Coaching Services and Programmes offered by NamasteAi Coaching are useful instruments for cultivating leaders and maximizing untapped potential.

Our adaptable selection of solutions can be tailored to help CEOs, middle/senior managers, and up-and-coming leaders enhance their leadership skills in order to advance the objectives and business plan of your company.

Would You Like to Learn More About Our Programmes and Services for Coaching and Leadership Development? Get in touch with us

Corporate Coaching

NamasteAi corporate coaching services are aligned with your talent development plans, which in turn are linked to your strategic goals. We partner with you using our flexible range of options to develop your valuable talent through

Executive Coaching: One-on-one coaching programs for your executives, providing a tangible investment in the development of your business leaders.

Leadership Coaching: Programs that enable middle managers and high potential employees to become more capable, versatile and successful, increasing the breadth and depth of your leadership talent.

Team and Group Coaching: Combines a unique model  with coaching methodology to ensure team alignment for optimal performance and improved effectiveness. Learn more about Team and Group Coaching.

Onboarding Coaching: Gives your new team members the best possible start in their careers with you.

All programs  are delivered by a team of accredited coaches who combine extensive business experience with  coaching accreditation  from approved bodies.

Want to Know More About Coaching?

Individual Coaching for Corporate Professionals

Detailing the range of coaching areas (leadership, performance, career develop-ment, executive coaching, communication coaching, Performance Coaching etc.)

Group Coaching for Corporate Teams

Explaining the value of group coaching in corporate settings (team synergy, collective growth). Case studies or examples of successful group coaching outcomes.

Corporate Coaching

Form to inquire about corporate coaching, with options to specify interest in individual or group coaching. Direct contact options for immediate queries or consultations.

Unleash your potential

Achieve higher levels of success in life, career, & leadership

Frequently Asked Questions

Everyone want to know how they can be better, how can they improve and be the best they can be. Coaching is the answer.

Coaching is not telling people what to do; it is helping them clarify and control their life. It is helping them evaluate what they are doing now in their life in the light of their goals, dreams, values and intentions. It gives them new choices and leads to change. Coaching helps a person go beyond the mental blocks of what they thought was possible.

Coaching works as a partnership between coach and client, it helps to clarify goals, to make them challenging and motivating, then to achieve those goals with the energy that comes from their deepest values.

Coaches are specially trained to work with people in all walks of life to help them achieve their goals, live their values and be the best they can be.

Counselling and therapy are to remedy the client’s problems. The client comes to therapy or counselling because they feel dissatisfied with their life and want relief from psychological and/or physical symptoms.

They want to get away from pain or discomfort rather than move towards desired goals. Therapy and counselling often seek to understand the past and what went wrong in order to be better in the present. Coaching focuses on the present and future. A coach may work with a client who has a good life, but wants the coach to help them make it better still.

Training and teaching involve the transfer of skills and knowledge to the learner. The trainer or teacher is the expert.

In coaching, the coach is not the expert, coaching does not give answers, but asks questions. Coaching explores the present and designs the future for the client, the client learns in the process, but the coach does not teach directly.

A mentor is a senior person in the business who guides a junior person from their greater experience. A coach does not have to be a senior person in the client’s line of business. The client has to know the business, not the coach.

Consultancy deals with the business system as a whole. A consultants recommendations affect individuals indirectly. Coaching affects individuals directly. Coaching will very often be part of a consultant’s recommendations for a business.

This varies considerably from country to country and it also depends on the coach’s speciality. Ask the coach you want to engage to explain their fees.

For immediate queries or assistance, feel free to reach out to us directly.

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Begin your brighter, fulfilling future today. We’re here to support your personal coaching journey!